2016-17 PTO Board / contact info
President: Sasha Witte (sashawitte@hotmail.com)
President-elect: Molly Stark (mollystark23@yahoo.com)
Secretary: Stacie Tuttle (stacie@mstuttle.com)
Treasurer: Lisa Bradbury (nevertopart@gmail.com) & Jessica Anderson (triplej2007127@yahoo.com)
Student Life Coordinator: Tricia Peterson (nevertopart@hotmail.com)
Day Events Coordinator: Tricia Stone (superstones4@gmail.com)
Week Events Coordinator: Jennifer Hahn (jenndoug16@yahoo.com)
Class Captain Coordinator: Tracy Meldrum (tracy.meldrum5@gmail.com)
Technology/Communications: Trish Thomason (thomason0912@gmail.com)
Fundraising Event Coordinator: Arlene Nunez (arlenenunez86@gmail.com)
2015-16 PTO Board / contact info
President: Stacie Tuttle (stacie@mstuttle.com)
President-elect: Jennifer Scott (jenn.scott@hotmail.com)/ Sasha Witte (sashawitte@hotmail.com)
Secretary: Jessie Jenkins (jessiejenkins0405@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Lisa Bradbury (nevertopart@gmail.com)
Student Life Coordinator: Jessie Jenkins (jessiejenkins0405@gmail.com)
Day Events Coordinator: Jennifer Hahn (jenndoug16@yahoo.com)
Week Events Coordinator: Nicole Stucki (nstucki@gmail.com)
Class Captain Coordinator: Laura Jamison (myersL1@msn.com)
Technology/Communications: Trish Thomason (thomason0912@gmail.com)
Fundraising Event Coordinator: Vanessa McPherson (tknessa@gmail.com)/ Sara Merrick (sara_pwll@yahoo.com)
2014-15 PTO Board / contact info
President: Jennifer Witte (jenwitte3@gmail.com)
President-elect: Emily Lee (emilyleela@gmail.com)
Secretary: Stacie Tuttle (stacie@mstuttle.com)
Treasurer: Tony Abler (avsfamily98@yahoo.com)
Student Life Coordinator: Jessie Jenkins (jessiejenkins0405@gmail.com)
Day Events Coordinator: Danielle Goodrich (daniellecgoodrich@gmail.com)
Week Events Coordinator: Nicole Stucki (nstucki@gmail.com)
Class Captain Coordinator: Robyn Day (robynday3@aol.com)
Technology/Communications: Trish Thomason (thomason0912@gmail.com)
Fundraising Event Coordinator: Shiloh Johnson (shiloh.johnson@questar.com)
2013-14 PTO Board / contact info
President: Nicole Bott / nicole_bott@hotmail.com
President-elect: Jennifer Witte / jenwitte3@gmail.com
Treasurer: Holly Hansen / hollyhansen27@yahoo.com
Secretary: Sasha Witte / sashawitte@hotmail.com
Class Captain Coordinator: Robyn Day / robynday3@aol.com
Events Coordinator: Danielle Goodrich / daniellecgoodrich@gmail.com
Fundraising (box tops, etc): Melanie Pearson / mellbelle32@gmail.com
Fundraising Events: Jen Norten / yubfloat@hotmail.com
Social Media/ Technology Coordinator : Trish Thomason / thomason0912@gmail.com
Student Life Coordinator: Bethany Struthers / bethanyps@gmail.com
LLA Principal: Heidi Bauerle / hbauerle@llacharter.org
Bylaws of Leadership Learning Academy PTO
Section 1: NAME—The name of the organization shall be Learning Leadership Academy PTO. The PTO is located at 100 West 2675 North, Layton, Utah 84041.
Section 2: DESCRIPTION—The PTO is a nonprofit organization that exists for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 3: PURPOSE—The purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at Leadership Learning Academy, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement, and to improve the environment at Leadership Learning Academy through volunteer and financial support.
Membership shall be automatically granted to all parents and guardians of Leadership Learning Academy students, plus all staff at Leadership Learning Academy. There are no membership dues.
Section 1: EXECUTIVE BOARD—The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers:
President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officer
positions can be shared. The school Principal, or his/her designee, is a voting member of the Executive Board.
Section 2: TERM OF OFFICE—The term of office for all officers is one year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year.
Section 3: QUALIFICATIONS—Any PTO member in good standing may become an officer of the PTO.
Section 4: DUTIES
Executive Board: Develop the PTO’s annual budget, establish and oversee committees to conduct the work of the PTO, establish fundraising programs, and approve by majority vote of the Board unbudgeted expenditures of no more than $100.
President: Preside at general PTO meetings and Executive Board meetings, serve as the official representative of the PTO, and retain all official records of the PTO.
Vice President: Oversee the committee system of the PTO, assist the President, and chair meetings in the absence of the President.
Secretary: Record and distribute minutes of all Executive Board meetings and all general PTO meetings, prepare agendas for official PTO meetings, and hold historical records for the PTO.
Treasurer: Serve as custodian of the PTO’s finances, collect revenue, pay authorized expenses, follow all financial policies of the PTO, and hold all financial records.
Section 5: BOARD MEETINGS—The Executive Board shall meet monthly during the school year, or at the discretion of the President.
Section 6: REMOVAL—An officer can be removed from office for failure to fulfill his/her duties, after reasonable notice, by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 7: VACANCY—If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Board, the President shall appoint a PTO member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the officer’s term.
Section 1: GENERAL PTO MEETINGS—General PTO meetings shall be held to conduct the business of the PTO. Meetings shall be held monthly during the school year or at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 2: VOTING—Each Board Member in attendance at a PTO meeting is eligible to vote. Absentee and proxy votes are allowed via email with prior notice.
Section 3: QUORUM—Ten (10) members of the PTO present and voting constitute quorum for the purpose of voting.
Section 1: FISCAL YEAR—The fiscal year of the PTO begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year.
Section 2: BANKING—All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of Leadership Learning Academy PTO, requiring two signatures of the Executive Board and held at a local financial institution.
Section 3: REPORTING—All financial activity shall be recorded in a computer-based or manual accounting system. The Treasurer shall reconcile the account(s) monthly and report all financial activity monthly. The PTO shall arrange an independent review of its financial records each year.
Section 4: ENDING BALANCE—The organization shall leave a minimum of $50 in the treasury at the end of the first fiscal year.
Section 5: CONTRACTS—Authority to sign contracts is limited to the President or the President’s designee.
Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by any PTO member. Amendments presented at a PTO meeting shall be considered for voting at a subsequent meeting. Two-thirds (2/3) approval of all Board Members present and voting is required to adopt an amendment to the bylaws.
In the event of dissolution of the PTO, any funds remaining shall be donated to Leadership Learning Academy.
The authority for this organization shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
These bylaws were adopted on 07/02/13.
Amended (date): 8/22/13 (changed quorum from 11 to 10)
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