Upcoming Events::
PTO MEETING: November 17th at 7 pm in the library. (Black Friday shirts available this night also.)
LLA BLACK FRIDAY: November 18th is our LLA BLACK FRIDAY SALE! We will be in the library before and after school selling hoodies for $15, Carnival Shirts for $6, and last year's Spirit Shirts for $6. Available while supplies last. Cash and Check accepted.
LLA GIVING TREE: Our Student Service Council has a wonderful giving opportunity for us all. On November 18th, they will have their Giving Tree up in the school library. Come in and take a look at the needs/wants of some of the families in our LLA School Community! It is up and running this Friday just in case you'd like to hit the Black Friday shopping events. Also, look for a Break-the-Rules Day, and Penny Wars!
DOLLAR DRESS DOWN DAY: November 18th. Bring a dollar to your teacher and wear whatever you'd like that is still school appropriate.
THANKSGIVING BREAK: No school the week of November 21-25th. Happy Thanksgiving!
VETERAN'S DAY BREAKFAST: Thank you all who supported this amazing event spearheaded by Molly Stark! To have so many Veterans and families was a wonderful sight. I echo Mrs. B. in that our entire student body is extremely respectful! Way to go Flyers!!!
FACEBOOK CONTEST: Thank you to all of you who supported our school in a fun Facebook contest offered by Tutor Doctor. Leadership Learning Academy won, and they will be supplying oodles of snacks for our faculty and staff! Yay!
BIRTHDAY TABLE: Tomorrow, November 8th is Birthday Table. Come join your student to celebrate their special day during their lunch time! Students will get a fun birthday prize too!
VETERAN'S DAY BREAKFAST: Friday, November 11th. Students will be able to invite a Veteran to eat breakfast with them from 8-8:30 in the gym. After breakfast, there will be a short school-wide assembly honoring our Veteran's and their selfless service. Please ask your student to invite a Veteran to breakfast on Friday!
BLACK FRIDAY: November 18th is our LLA BLACK FRIDAY SALE! We will be in the library before and after school selling hoodies for $15, Carnival Shirts for $6, and last year's Spirit Shirts for $6. Available while supplies last. Cash and Check accepted.
DOLLAR DRESS DOWN DAY: November 18th. Bring a dollar to your teacher and wear whatever you'd like that is still school appropriate.
RECESS EQUIPMENT: Each cluster has received a bucket with new recess equipment from the PTO. Each bucket has supplies for recess, a ball pump, jumpropes, etc. We were also able to create an Indoor Recess bag which includes games and activities for kids during inclement weather. These funds came from Box Tops, Labels for Education, and other fundraisers! Thanks for your support in helping our kids and our school!
THANKSGIVING BREAK: No school the week of November 21-25th. Happy Thanksgiving! I know I will be EXTREMEMLY GRATEFUL if we get back and the construction is complete! (But really, I am grateful always to have a great school with great teachers, staff, students and parents!)
BIRTHDAY TABLE: November 8th is Birthday Table for November birthdays. Come join your student to celebrate their special day during their lunch time! Students will get a fun birthday prize too!LLA FAMILY LITERACY NIGHT: Thursday November 3, 2016 from 6:00-7:00 at the LLA Field.Please join the Leadership Learning Academy Literacy team as we read under the stars in a fun-filled Family Literacy Night! Bring a blanket, books, flashlights, and the whole family to Camp Read-a-Lot. You may bring dinner for your family to enjoy picnic style or purchase snacks available at the school. At 6:00 p.m. you may set up camp on the field. In case of inclement weather, the gym will be used. Snacks will be available for purchase, or, by donating books, you will earn tickets to redeem for snacks! All proceeds will go towards filling our classroom libraries. We hope to see you there!
VETERAN'S DAY BREAKFAST: November 11th. Students will be able to invite a Veteran to eat breakfast with them from 8-8:30 in the gym. After breakfast, there will be a short school-wide assembly honoring our Veteran's and their selfless service. We are still in need of a few volunteers for set-up/clean-up.5K/CARNIVAL VOLUNTEER HOURS: If you volunteered for the 5K/Carnival, please check to see if your hours have been recorded. If they were missed, let us know and we will enter those hours for you.CLASS CAPTAINS: We are working hard to get you connected with your Class Captains. If you have not heard from your Class Captain, please let us know. BOOK FAIR: A BIG" Thank You" to all who supported and helped volunteer for our book fair, which turned out to be quite successful! We have been able to put more books into our classrooms and library! Watch for our next Book Fair in February during the next PTC week!
Please join the LLA Literacy team as we read under the stars in a fun-filled Family Literacy Night this Thursday from 6-7pm! Bring a blanket, books, flashlights, and the whole family to Camp Read-a-Lot. You may bring dinner for your family to enjoy picnic style or purchase snacks available at the school.
At 6:00 p.m. you may set up camp on the field. In case of inclement weather, the gym will be used. Snacks will be available for purchase, or, by donating books, you will earn tickets to redeem for snacks! All proceeds will go towards filling our classroom libraries. We hope to see you there!